

sample-rpkg chain-build [-h] [--arches [ARCHES [ARCHES ...]]] [--md5]
                        [--nowait] [--target TARGET] [--background]
                        package [package ...]


Build current package in order with other packages.

example: sample-rpkg chain-build libwidget libgizmo

The current package is added to the end of the CHAIN list. Colons (:) can be used in the CHAIN parameter to define groups of packages. Packages in any single group will be built in parallel and all packages in a group must build successfully and populate the repository before the next group will begin building.

For example:

sample-rpkg chain-build libwidget libaselib : libgizmo :

will cause libwidget and libaselib to be built in parallel, followed by libgizmo and then the current directory package. If no groups are defined, packages will be built sequentially.



List the packages and order you want to build in


-h --help

show this help message and exit


Build for specific arches


Use md5 checksums (for older rpm hosts)


Don’t wait on build


Define build target to build into


Run the build at a low priority